Our Programs
Volunteer Lawyers
Our volunteer lawyers come from law firms, legal departments, solo practice, and include retired judges. Attorneys may or may not have experience representing children in the child welfare system. Each is trained by LFCA staff, in collaboration with the Yale Child Study Center. Trainings occur 4-6 times per year and can be scheduled to accommodate your needs. Learn more about becoming a volunteer.
We provide ongoing support to attorneys who commit to providing pro bono representation to children in the child welfare system. Attorneys serve as unyielding legal advocates, ensuring that necessary services are available for the child and family, minimizing the upheaval and trauma typically associated with foster care, and working toward finding a safe and permanent home for the child.
Partnering Law Firms and Corporate Legal Departments
Law firms and corporations are essential to our work. By encouraging attorneys to volunteer, providing release time, and allowing internal recognition for time spent representing abused and neglected children, law firms and corporations make our work possible.
Many firms and departments also provide essential financial support for LFCA’s work. These contributions underwrite case management, training resources, and continuing education for 400+ volunteer lawyers. You can view our list of Partner Firms and Corporations and learn how to make a contribution.
To become an LFCA partner, by either identifying volunteer lawyers or making a financial contribution, please contact your local office.
Community Partners
Recognizing that effective advocacy for children requires knowledge of developmental, maturational, and psychological principles, Lawyers for Children America and the Yale Child Study Center (Connecticut) have established a partnership that enriches and informs the work of child advocates by providing a comprehensive core training curriculum and clinical case consultation. Lawyers for Children America has also worked with Children’s National Medical Center (Washington, D.C.) and Children’s Psychiatric Center (Miami) to supplement Yale’s work with Lawyers for Children America. These partnerships enable volunteer attorneys to recognize mental health issues, identify the type of service needed, and help access that service in the community.
In addition, LFCA works closely with the judicial system, the local child welfare agency, social workers, and service providers. If you are interested in becoming a community partner, please contact your local office.