Newsletter, September 2017


September 2017 Edition

Welcome to Lawyers for Children America’s (LFCA) new monthly News Brief, in which we will be highlighting our accomplishments and informing our pro bono attorneys about LFCA. We hope you find our reporting interesting, and we welcome any suggestions for improvement.


At the beginning of August, 2017, LFCA hired a new program director, Debra Cohen. Debra will be in charge of case assignments to the pro bono attorneys and will be available to you for case consultation throughout the lifetime of your case. The contact information for Debra is as follows: 860-833-5643


During 2016, the LFCA staff conducted a formal evaluation of our program in Connecticut. We talked with juvenile court judges and received the following feedback:

LFCA attorneys are well prepared and fully informed about all aspects of their child client’s life. I almost always order their recommendations.

I find the LFCA attorneys to be the most informed person in the courtroom regarding the child’s issues and needs. I listen to them closely when making decisions.

Would like them to take more cases. They are very effective. They talk to all the important people in the child’s life, are the most informed about the child’s situation and needs, have concrete solutions for which they advocate.

Connecticut Judges think we are doing a great job!